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Provedor de dados:  ArchiMer
País:  France
Título:  Exposure of marine mussels Mytilus spp. to polystyrene microplastics: Toxicity and influence on fluoranthene bioaccumulation
Autores:  Paul-pont, Ika
Lacroix, Camille
Gonzalez Fernandez, Carmen
Hegaret, Helene
Lambert, Christophe
Le Goic, Nelly
Frere, Laura
Cassone, Anne-laure
Sussarellu, Rossana
Fabioux, Caroline
Guyomarch, Julien
Albentosa, Marina
Huvet, Arnaud
Soudant, Philippe
Data:  2016-09
Ano:  2016
Palavras-chave:  Microplastics
Oxidative system
Resumo:  The effects of polystyrene microbeads (micro-PS; mix of 2 and 6 μm; final concentration: 32 μg L−1) alone or in combination with fluoranthene (30 μg L−1) on marine mussels Mytilus spp. were investigated after 7 days of exposure and 7 days of depuration under controlled laboratory conditions. Overall, fluoranthene was mostly associated to algae Chaetoceros muelleri (partition coefficient Log Kp = 4.8) used as a food source for mussels during the experiment. When micro-PS were added in the system, a fraction of FLU transferred from the algae to the microbeads as suggested by the higher partition coefficient of micro-PS (Log Kp = 6.6), which confirmed a high affinity of fluoranthene for polystyrene microparticles. However, this did not lead to a modification of fluoranthene bioaccumulation in exposed individuals, suggesting that micro-PS had a minor role in transferring fluoranthene to mussels tissues in comparison with waterborne and foodborne exposures. After depuration, a higher fluoranthene concentration was detected in mussels exposed to micro-PS and fluoranthene, as compared to mussels exposed to fluoranthene alone. This may be related to direct effect of micro-PS on detoxification mechanisms, as suggested by a down regulation of a P-glycoprotein involved in pollutant excretion, but other factors such as an impairment of the filtration activity or presence of remaining beads in the gut cannot be excluded. Micro-PS alone led to an increase in hemocyte mortality and triggered substantial modulation of cellular oxidative balance: increase in reactive oxygen species production in hemocytes and enhancement of anti-oxidant and glutathione-related enzymes in mussel tissues. Highest histopathological damages and levels of anti-oxidant markers were observed in mussels exposed to micro-PS together with fluoranthene. Overall these results suggest that under the experimental conditions of our study micro-PS led to direct toxic effects at tissue, cellular and molecular levels, and modulated fluoranthene kinetics and toxicity in marine mussels.
Tipo:  Text
Idioma:  Inglês

Editor:  Elsevier Sci Ltd
Formato:  application/pdf
Fonte:  Environmental Pollution (0269-7491) (Elsevier Sci Ltd), 2016-09 , Vol. 216 , P. 724-737
Direitos:  2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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